Green Building:
We offer a variety of green building services, including the following: 

LEED Support Services: Our LEED support services include LEED project management, strategy research, training for the EED AP role, and construction administration support. While some firms want to outsource LEED project management, others want to be trained in the process to keep the role in-house in the future.

Green Building Rating System Support: Green Globes and The Natural Step are two other green building frameworks that may be fitting to your projects. We will help assess the different alternatives and select the most appropriate system for your project, and follow through with assistance as needed.

Owner’s Project Requirements: Outline your priorities in a sustainability roadmap for your design teams to follow on all current and future projects.

Green Building Goal Setting: Strategically determine green building goals for your facilities and projects.

Process Management: Break out of the traditional, linear process to capitalize on green building efforts.

Trace Collaborative, LLC is focused on sustainability within the design and construction industry.  While we offer green building consulting services, we specialize in helping those in the industry organize and implement corporate sustainability within their offices, as there is often less attention here than to the final green building product.  We help firms establish and embrace core values for their offices that can be communicated to staff as well as clients, while creating a process and timeline for implementation and in-house education.  The result is a shift in design culture that will not only benefit the environment, but also your clients, your projects, your processes, and your employees. Education:
Educating about Sustainability -
We believe that it is of the utmost importance to educate practitioners actively engaged in creating healthy and sustainable places and spaces.  Through workshops, goal setting sessions, and trainings, we can help you engage the green building and sustainability discussion at another level, capitalizing on your existing resources and helping to position you as a leader in the green building movement.

Educating through Sustainability - 
We strongly believe that each project must have an active education component, to inform and enlighten the users about both their spaces and the greater environment. Our research addresses the integration of sustainability into education, based on ecological education theories in education research, and is focused on the integration into formal educational.
Facilitation & Charrettes:
Trace Collaborative understands the value of facilitating a holistic, collaborative planning process that harnesses the talents and energies of all interested parties to create and support a feasible plan.  For more about charrettes themselves as well as our charrette and facilitation services, click here.

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Trainings & Workshops:

LEED Training - Individualized sessions to help grasp the LEED rating system and process from any perspective impacted by green.

Green Building Rating Systems Comparison - Review LEED, Green Globes, and The Natural Step to make an informed decision. 

Local Initiatives Overview - Review 7-10 local government initiatives across the U.S. for insight and ideas on how to bring the green journey to your city. 

Contractor LEED Training - Guidance on what LEED credits and documentation contractors are responsible for, and options on how to gather it. 

Integrated Design and Design Process - Understanding alternatives to the traditional linear design process and how the alternative scan make a difference in the final product.
Facilitation & Charrettes    Green Building
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