There are a number of ways that a charrette can help you in your project.

Trace Collaborative possesses strong strategic planning, analysis and project management expertise that supports key stakeholders in moving towards successful and sustainable outcomes.

Process Management: The traditional linear design process is not the most optimal method for realizing a green design. We can help the design team utilize the interdisciplinary process to enable a greener final product, typically through the use of charrettes. 

Trace Collaborative understands the importance of interdisciplinary design, and the values of facilitating a holistic, collaborative planning process to harness the talents and energies of all interested parties resulting in a feasible action plan.

Who uses Charrettes?
  Planners and Designers
  Public Officials and Organizations
  Planning and Community Development Directors
  Public and Private Developers and Land Owners
  Citizen Activist Groups
  Non-Governmental Organizations

Charrette Project Types
  Regional Planning
  Comprehensive Planning
  Rewriting Development Codes
  New Community Master Planning
  Specific Planning
  Redevelopment Projects
  Affordable Housing Developments
  Building planing and design

Facilitation & Charrette Services Home Services Who We Are Recognition Conferences & Publications Contact Projects & Clients
Facilitation Examples:

Strategic Planning

Green Building Guidelines

Goal Setting Sessions

Owner Project Requirements

Collaborative Planning

Multi-Stakeholder Focus Groups

Strategic Growth Planning
Key Benefits of Charrettes:

Trust - Promotes trust between citizens and government through meaningful public involvement and education;

Vision - Fosters a shared community vision and turns opposition into support; 

Feasibility - Increases the liklihood of getting projects built by gaining broad support from citizens, professionals and staff. It creates a better plan through diverse input and involvement. 

Economy - Avoids costly rework and utilizes highly productive work sessions.
Projects:    Wake Forest University, New Admissions Building
                North Carolina State University, Student Health Center Renovation & Addition
                University of North Carolina Asheville - Rhoades Hall and Rhoades Tower Renovation
                City of Raleigh, Raleigh Senior Center
                Spectrum Properties